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Contractor Agreement: Ongoing Goods & Services (Contractor)

Contractor Agreement: Ongoing Goods & Services (Contractor)
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Build Time: 15 Min

Build your professionally drafted Contractor Agreement: Ongoing Goods & Services (Contractor) using our unique document customisation system. It's Easy… Answer a series of simple questions with help provided. Have your document delivered in minutes, and make modifications online after reviewing your document.

Help is provided throughout the building of your document.

Most of the document information can be modified by you after purchase, or if you have any special requirements for clauses to be included, excluded or modified the LawLive team can make those adjustments for you at no additional cost.

Documents can be saved throughout the building process and resumed at a later time or date

A preview of your completed document is available after the building process before payment

This Contractor Agreement is suitable where you are the Contractor being contracted to supply both goods and services on an ongoing basis.

If you require a contractor agreement for a Contractor to be engaged to perform a one-off service only, see our Contractor Agreement (customer) if you are the customer or Contractor Agreement (contractor) if you are providing the service.

This contractor agreement includes the following provisions:

1. Parties to the agreement;
2. The engagement of the Contractor, with option of an exclusive arrangement;
3. Price and payment;
4. Quality of contract goods/services;
5. Equipment and materials to be provided by the Contractor;
6. Time for completion or reasonable extension;
7. Term of engagement;
8. OH&S compliance;
9. Breach by Contractor;
10. Breach by Customer;
11. Confidentiality;
12. Intellectual Property;
13. Contractor Warranties;
14. Termination by either party with notice; optional right of Customer to terminate;
15. Over-riding provisions, if any;
16. Statutory warranties and limitation of liability.

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