Terms and Conditions | LawLive
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Terms and Conditions

This website is operated under licence by LawLive International Pty Ltd

Pre Condition To Use: Do not use this website unless you have read these terms, and accept that they will govern your right to use and access our website and all the documents, links and information contained on it. If you choose to use LawLive’s website and download documents then LawLive will regard that use as conclusive evidence of your agreement and acceptance that these terms govern yours and LawLive’s rights and obligations to each other.

Amendment of Terms: LawLive reserves the right to change these terms and conditions of use at any time and those changes shall take effect in respect of all subsequent uses by you of the website. You should therefore check these terms every time before you use the website and only if you accept these terms should you proceed to access and use the documents on the website.

LawLive Does Not Give Legal Advice: Whilst the documents and information has been prepared by experienced legal practitioners in the fields of employment, commercial and corporate law LawLive is not a legal practitioner and is not an incorporated legal practice. This website is not intended to give you legal advice or provide you with any legal services; it is intended to provide you with useful documents, links and information.

Consult Your Legal Practitioner: If you are unsure as to any of the terms or any of the information or how it applies to your specific circumstances then you should consult your legal practitioner. Both the documents and the information we provide must necessarily be general and may not cover every situation that might arise. You should therefore use a legal practitioner for any specific problem that you might have or if you are unsure or do not understand any of the documents or information on the website.

Limitation On LawLive’s Liability: It is an essential pre-condition to you using LawLive’s website that you agree and accept that LawLive is not legally responsible for any loss or damage you might suffer related to your use of the site, whether from errors or from omissions in our documents or information or from any other use of the website. In short, your use of the site is at your own risk.

Document Previews: Previews are available for most of LawLive's documents. A preview consists of the first third of your document. As this is the case, previews are not available for documents under three pages in length.

Links To Other Websites: LawLive has provided on its website links to other websites and information on those websites for your convenience. This does not necessarily imply sponsorship, endorsement, or approval or arrangement between LawLive and the owners of those websites. LawLive takes no responsibility for any of the content found on the linked websites. LawLive’s website may contain information provided by third parties. LawLive accepts no responsibility whatsoever for information or advice provided to you directly by third parties.

Competition and Consumer Act: For the purposes of Section 64 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), LawLive’s liability for any breach of a term of this agreement is limited to:-

(i) the supplying to you of the services again; or
(ii) the payment of the costs of having the services supplied to you again.

Express Disclaimers: To the fullest extent permitted by law, LawLive absolutely disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. LawLive gives no warranty that the documents will be free of errors, or that defects will be corrected, or that Lawlive’s website or its server is free of viruses or any other harmful components. LawLive does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the result of the use of any document, link or information in its website or as to their correctness, suitability, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. It is your sole responsibility and not the responsibility of LawLive to bear any entire costs of servicing, repairs, or correction. Applicable law may not permit these exclusions, particularly the exclusions of some implied warranties. Some of the above may not apply to you.

Business Consumers Only: The website has been designed and created to meet some of the needs of small to medium sized enterprises. It has not been designed or created for domestic consumers.

Your Privacy: LawLive respects the privacy and confidentiality of the information provided by you and adheres to the national privacy principles established pursuant to the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth). Please read our Privacy Policy carefully. You may change your details at any time by accessing your information through your code key. All information LawLive receives from its customers is protected by LawLive’s secure server. LawLive’s secure server software encrypts all customer information before it is sent to us. Furthermore, all of the customer data LawLive collects is secured against unauthorised use or access. Credit card information is not stored by us on our servers.

Third Parties Can Not Use Your Information: LawLive does not sell or deal in personal or customer information. LawLive may however use in a general sense without any reference to your name, your information to create marketing statistics, identify user demands and to assist it in meeting customer needs generally. LawLive may use the information that you provide to improve its website and its services.

LawLive May Disclose: LawLive may disclose information in good faith and where LawLive is required to do so:-

(i) by law or by any court;
(ii) to enforce the terms of any of our customer agreements;
(iii) to protect the rights, property or safety of LawLive, its customers or third parties;or
(iv) to banks or financial institutions with the purpose of preventing fraud and as proof of any transaction.

Jurisdiction: This agreement and this website are subject to the laws of New South Wales and Singapore. If there is a dispute between you and LawLive that results in litigation then you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales, Australia.

PAYG pricing: Pay Per Document pricing is shown once you register and login to your free account.

Exclusion of Competitors: If you are in the business of creating documents for the purpose of providing them for a fee to users, whether they be business users or domestic users then you are a competitor of LawLive. LawLive expressly excludes and does not permit you to use or access its website, to download any documents or information from its website or obtain any such documents or information through a third party. If you breach this term then LawLive will hold you fully responsible for any loss that it might sustain and further holds you accountable for all profits that you might make from such unpermitted and improper use. LawLive reserves the right to exclude and not permit any person from using its website or any of the documents and information contained on it.

Copyright And Restriction of Use: You are only permitted as a customer of LawLive to use the documents downloaded from its website for the purposes of conducting your business. You are not permitted to reproduce the documents, information or materials on the website for the purposes of sale or the use by any third party. In particular you are not permitted to republish, upload, transmit electronically or otherwise or distribute any of the documents that you download from its website. You are permitted to download a copy of the documents and retain them on computers used in your business for any legitimate or proper purpose of conducting your business. LawLive expressly reserves all copyright in its website and in all documents and information on its website.

Trademarks and Restriction of Use: You are not permitted to use any trade marks, tradenames, graphics or designs that are on LawLive’s website. If you breach LawLive’s trade marks then LawLive reserve the right to take action against you.

Whole Agreement: These terms and conditions represent the whole agreement between you and LawLive concerning your use and access to LawLive’s website and your use and access to the documents and information on it. No other term is to be included in this agreement except where it is required to be included by any legislation of the Commonwealth or any State or Territory. All implied terms except those implied by statute and which can not be expressly excluded are hereby expressly excluded.

Exclusion of Unenforceable Terms: Where any clause or term above would by any applicable statute be illegal, void, or unenforceable in any State or Territory then such a clause shall not apply in that State or Territory and shall be deemed never to have been included in these terms and conditions in that State or Territory. Such a clause if legal and enforceable in any other State or Territory shall continue to be fully enforceable and part of this agreement in those other States and Territories. The deemed excision of any term pursuant to this paragraph shall not affect or modify the full enforceability and construction of the other clauses of these terms and conditions.

Subscription Terms and Conditions

LawLive International Pty Ltd’s standard Terms & Conditions (above) apply to Subscription Users and the terms and conditions which follow are additional.

Subscription Contract: A Subscription Contract is formed once you agree to these terms and conditions and your first payment is received by LawLive International Pty Ltd. All Subscription Contracts run for a minimum of 12 months and continue until you request a Cancellation.

Pricing: All subscription prices are shown in Singapore dollars (SGD). Subscription payments must be received in Singapore dollars.  We reserve the right to amend our subscription prices from time to time.

Payment: Payment of your LAWLIVE® subscription is due monthly or yearly, dependent on your LAWLIVE® plan. If the payment method for your LAWLIVE® account is by credit or debit card and payment is not received by LAWLIVE® from the card issuer or its agents, you agree to pay all amounts due upon demand by LAWLIVE®. Each time you use LAWLIVE®, or allow or cause LAWLIVE® to be used, you agree and reaffirm that LAWLIVE® is authorized to charge your designated card. Your card issuer's agreement governs your use of your designated card in connection with LAWLIVE®, and you must refer to such agreement (not this Agreement) with respect to your rights and liabilities as a as a cardholder.

If your subscription payments are charged in arrears then LawLive will pre-authorise your credit card for the AUD equivalent amount in your local currency. A pre-authorisation is NOT a charge, it simply reserves the an amount on your card to allow for future processing of the transaction.

Cancellation: If you enter into a LAWLIVE® Pro Subscription, and chose to cancel the subscription within 12 months of commencement one of the following will apply to you;

  1. If the retail price of all documents you have completed during your subscription exceeds the amount you have spent on subscription payments you agree to pay the retail price of all documents you have completed less the value of subscription payments.
  2. In the event where your expense on documents does not exceed your expense on subscription payments there will be no additional payment necessary.

If you enter into a LAWLIVE® Pro Subscription, and chose to cancel the subscription after 12 months of commencement no additional payments apply and your subscription will be ended at the end of the payment period in which notification was received by LawLive International Pty Ltd

Any requests for cancellation or account enquiries should be sent to [email protected].

Fair Use Policy: Subscription users are permitted to build and download up to 25 documents per month, once 25 documents have been built in one month your account will prevent any further documents being automatically generated.

Each Subscription account is a single user licence and is valid for use only by the named user, you are not permitted to transfer or resell the account to any other person or company.

Subscription Credit Card Details: Credit Card Details for subscription users are stored on our secure servers for the purposes of charging the monthly subscription fee. Upon cessation of your subscription all details will be deleted and no longer stored.

Conflicting Conditions: Where there is a conflict between LawLive’s standard Terms and Conditions and the Subscription Terms and Conditions, the Subscription Terms and Conditions will apply.

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